Thursday, September 2, 2010

The wish star...

Its time to wish...wish my heart out to the one who would grant me anything...he is the star in my sky where else doesn't know the way in.....i wish it would twinkle with the brightest light and grant me the wish...coming in to wish & pray.........


  1. The star is up in the sky, seems so far away…
    Star is up there smiling as he knows in his heart that he only twinkles for one lovely heart that he knows is his, waiting for him to come down to that pure heart. Feel its warmth, ready to leave his stardom back just to spend eternity of life time with that heart for which he twinkles.
    Be mortal just to feel , love and to care for that heart always and always and forever……

  2. WOW!!...the most wonderful feeling of the lifetime...making me go down in my knees once more and making me fall in love with the star all over again. The love and care bestowed upon me by that star by his twinkle is the most precious present i have ever got...

  3. Twinkle Twinkle Lil Star ****** :)
